Tell the kids that there are germs inside of Mr. Draw a face on it using the end that you blow on as the mouth. Place the holes in the balloon, blow it up and twist the end but don't tie it. Materials needed: a balloon, holes from a hole puncher, a permanent marker. This is a wonderful demonstration of the importance of covering our moths when we cough or sneeze! Glue a circle shape of aluminum foil to the middle for the surgeon's mirror.Īdd little people, bandages/band aids to the block center along with boxes to use as a hospital.Ĭircle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your theme! Let the children decorate them (paint, markers, etc.) Pre-cut construction paper into strips for headbands. Punch holes in the sides and attach pipe cleaners to it for a stethoscope. Let the children decorate 2 cups from an egg carton. There are only so many caterpillars one can make in a year, so we got creative with them!
We had a grandparent who donated egg cartons every year to the preschool. Materials Needed: egg cartons, crayons/markers/paint, pipe cleaners, hole punch